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Making Breadrolls


500 g flour
350 ml water
1 cube (42 g) yeast
1.5 teaspoons salt
3 teaspoons sugar


I use a breadbaking automate to prepare the dough. My model is a primera BB 300 but it shouldn't matter. The resulting dough is not really convincing at first. It is much to sticky and hard to form them. First try - the dough was to sticky First try - could be more fluffy but not too bad

With the remaining dough and quite some flour I form another two breadrolls. This are much better, now the dough has a better consistency and is elastic. I think the dough needs more time after the breadbaking automate even though it is in it for 1h 30 m. Some even recommend leaving it over night, which I will try next time. The breadrolls are all very tasty and beat the readymade breadrolls which you just put in the oven by a large margin. I'm sure after some more tries they can be as good as from the bakery. Also 150g is to much for one breadroll. I will make them smaller next time. Second try is already much better but to big But still the fluffyness could be improved

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