This webpage
I put this webpage online to show some macro pictures. If I find some other stuff interesting for the internet (if it is not somewhere else already) I will also put it online.
I currently prefer a simple black and white layout. If you prefer a different layout, there is an alternative CSS file available. Please check your browser documentation on how to change it (On Firefox it is View → Webpage Style → Pastell).
I write this webpage with Vim in Markdown convert it to XHTML by using a bash script (which does some addtional stuff for the different languages) to invoke Ikiwiki with some self written perl plugins and upload it with my favorite FTP client NcFTP. I chose Ikiwiki, because it outputs valid XHTML, supports UTF8, supports Markdown and is easy to extend via plugins. I upload the pictures using some self written Perl script with some nice GTK+ interface. While this needed some effort in the beginning, now this is a very quick and easy way to put stuff online. Some stuff is also solved with PHP and MySQL databases.
I'm a physicist working in the field of soft matter. You can visit my university webpage.
If you want to write me an email compose the adress as follows: Take my first name, add the At sign, add my last name and then add a dot and "org".