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Travel pages

To see a nice clickable world map please use a modern browser which supports the SVG format. You can follow the links below as well.

You might be interested in reading the travel report of my Poland visit, Belgium visit or see some pictures of Salt Lake City or Las Vegas. I'm afraid that's all there is right now, but don't worry, there is still some stuff to come sometime.

Why Eurasia and not Europe?

If you wonder why I split those up like I do: Europe has several meanings: a geographically, a politically, an economically, etc.. Even if you chose one over the other it is always a bit arbitrary where the borders are and the borders change over time (The EU for example was quite small in the beginning and is still growing). In my opinion the only logical way to define continents is to stick to the geological definition of the lithosphere and with that Eurasia is one tectonic plate.

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Copyright 2008-2011 Florian Pesth. This page should be valid XHTML.

English is not my mother tongue. If you find glaring mistakes or know some other way of improving the language, please contact me! This is a multilingual webpage: Right now parts of it are available in german and english. Please check your browser language settings, depending on your settings you will be directed to different pages. Note also, that the links itself are not language dependent.