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This webpage

I put this webpage online to show some macro pictures. If I find some other stuff interesting for the internet (if it is not somewhere else already) I will also put it online.

I currently prefer a simple black and white layout. If you prefer a different layout, there is an alternative CSS file available. Please check your browser documentation on how to change it (On Firefox it is View → Webpage Style → Pastell).

I write this webpage with Vim in Markdown convert it to XHTML by using a bash script (which does some addtional stuff for the different languages) to invoke Ikiwiki with some self written perl plugins and upload it with my favorite FTP client NcFTP. I chose Ikiwiki, because it outputs valid XHTML, supports UTF8, supports Markdown and is easy to extend via plugins. I upload the pictures using some self written Perl script with some nice GTK+ interface. While this needed some effort in the beginning, now this is a very quick and easy way to put stuff online. Some stuff is also solved with PHP and MySQL databases.


I'm a physicist working in the field of soft matter. You can visit my university webpage.


If you want to write me an email compose the adress as follows: Take my first name, add the At sign, add my last name and then add a dot and "org".

Copyright 2008-2009 Florian Pesth. This page should be valid XHTML.

English is not my mother tongue. If you find glaring mistakes or know some other way of improving the language, please contact me! This is a multilingual webpage: Right now parts of it are available in german and english. Please check your browser language settings, depending on your settings you will be directed to different pages. Note also, that the links itself are not language dependent.