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Hierarchical navigation: Homepage of Florian Pesth

Welcome to the webpage of Florian Pesth!

Right now I put here mostly photographs. When I find some time I will add more text. I prefer this simple layout but if it shall be more colorful there is also an alternative layout.

Macro photos

Dragonfly (Orthetrum cancellatum) Some pictures of insects and small flowers.



Coming up soon! Please be patient - it takes some time to sort all the photos.


The travel report takes some time to write and is still incomplete. If you would like to see a rough selection of photos (these are still to much and some towns are still missing) this is, what you can get right now:

Warsaw 1 2 3

Kraków 1 2 3


High Tatra


Town hall of Mons Weekend visit to Mons.

Towns in the USA

Temple in Salt Lake City Copy of Eifeltower in Las Vegas Only pictures: Salt Lake City and Las Vegas.

Baking and Cooking

Breadrolls Making breadrolls.

Copyright 2008-2013 Florian Pesth. This page should be valid XHTML.

English is not my mother tongue. If you find glaring mistakes or know some other way of improving the language, please contact me! This is a multilingual webpage: Please check your browser language settings, depending on your settings you will be directed to different pages. Note also, that the links itself are not language dependent. Different language versions are linked below this paragraph, if they exist.

Diese Seite ist auch in deutscher Sprache verfügbar.